Yesterday I got a package in the mail containing 15 random CDs. I have no idea who sent it to me. My address is written in pen, but it is written on top of a sticker with contact information for four record labels based out of Manhattan and a logo, of which I originally thought was a rose but on further inspection turns out to be the head of a pig in purple sepia-tone.
Here are the albums the package contained:
1) The New Pornographers--Mass Romantic (2003)
2) Pavement--Wowee Zowie (Re-issued 2006)
3) Pavement--Sordid Sentinels (Re-issued 2006)
4) Love Of Diagrams--EP (2006)
5) Stereolab--Fab Four Suture(!!!) (2006)
6) Shearwater--Palo Santo (2007)
7) Dead Meadow--Shivering King And Others (it says '2008' but I do not understand that because it is not 2008 yet)
8) Blonde Readhead--23, autographed by the members of Blonde Readhead (2007)
9) Voxtrot--Self Titled (2007)
10) Ratatat--Classics, which says 'Promotional Use Only' so there's no date on it
11) Electrelane--No Shouts No Calls (2007)
12) The National Boxer--Self Titled (2007)
13) The Early Years--Self Titled (2006)
14) Cat Power--The Greatest (2006)
15) Lavender Diamond--Imagine Our Love (2007)
The pattern here is of course that all of these CDs were released by the labels on the sticker, and are all fairly new. One of the companies, named Matador Records, is a label I have bought music from before. So, I thought that maybe they were sending stuff to me for being a 'preferred customer,' or maybe as a promotional tool. On the other hand, these are full albums, and I should be the last customer to be considered 'preferred' by Matador. I bought two Blonde Readhead CDs and a Barbez CD from this group of labels three years ago, and one of the purchases was from iTunes.
Maybe someone I know in New York works at Matador now (or maybe not--maybe a bunch of people have all been getting these packages in the mail. Maybe you have too!). I know Brennan Delaney lives in either Brooklyn or Manhattan, and after not hearing from him for a year and a half, he popped up on Myspace the other day and asked for my email and snail mail. That was Thursday, though, and the package came on Friday. He would have had to overnight it.
Anyway, strange little ordeal, but at least I have lots of new music to listen to. I didn't even know Stereolab was still together. The last I remember, the singer got hit by a bus.
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Hello June 9th!!!!! I need an evbo update! I am having withdrawal!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Is your email broken? I can't email you!
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