Saturday, May 26, 2007

You Were Wearing A Red Sweater, Immediately Afterwards We Were Attacked By Ninjas

E: Hey, Jacke?

J: Yes, buttface?

E: Remember when you asked me a while back if I had ever had a raunchy dream about you, and I said 'no,' and you got really embarrassed because you had and you just expected me to have had one?

J: Yeah?

E: Ok, well, we're even.

J: Allllllllll riiight! Chickachicka bow-wow!


Andrea said...

Why can't you marry her? I love her.

evboevbo said...

If you convert to Mormonism, maybe YOU could marry her. I guess you'd have to move back to Vermont to be able to do that though.

Andrea said...

what does Vermont have to do with Mormonism?

evboevbo said...

nothing, but I don't think you can marry a girl if you are a girl anywhere but in Vermont and Massachussetts.